Ken Pierce

Senior Pastor

Ken Headshot 2022c

"For this I toil, struggling with all HIS energy that HE powerfully works within me." Colossians 1:29

Ken has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years and joined ECC in May of 2018. Previously he served at Tenth Church in Vancouver as well as a few churches in the US and for 14 years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the US.

Ken is married to Aisyah (over 30 years) and they have two adult children (Josh and Hannah) who live in the US.

Ken has some unusual experiences in his background that make him a unique person.

  • Formerly was involved in rodeo (bull-riding), although only successful at falling off. 
  • Comes from the southeast part of the US (Georgia) and still has a bit of a "twang" in his speech.
  • Has lived in a few different community houses with several other people over the years. 

One of the things he loves the most is to enjoy a cup of coffee while getting to know people both new to ECC and seasoned community members.  "Relationship is everything!" So, shoot him an email and set up a coffee time! He'll treat you:) 

To view sermons from Ken while at ECC CLICK HERE and type in "Ken" on the search line